Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Juicy Nibble
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A Big Bite

Monday, December 6, 2010
Juicy Nibble

Friday, December 3, 2010
A Big Bite
Spotlight Archives
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Juicy Nibble
Friday, November 19, 2010
A Big Bite
Have a great weekend!
Christina and Nasir
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Author Alert!
Friday, November 12, 2010
A Big Bite

Spotlight Archives
Friday, November 5, 2010
A Big Bite
By Shaelin and Mrs. W
Friday, October 29, 2010
Poem of the Week
By Ali Grace
Bring happiness
Sound wonderful
Have fun
Tell about things
Make people smile
Make people dance
Be yourself
Make everyone laugh
Express yourself
Things to do if You're a Skateboard
By Joe
Jump some jumps
Have some wheels
Do some tricks
Do a 360
Jump curves
Get ridden by a pro
Roll on the ground
I think it would be fun to be a skateboard
Things in My School
by Ryan W
Swings and Things
So many things in my school
A Big Bite

Be safe on Sunday!!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Poem of the Week
Places to Go if You're a Piece of Luggage-by Emily
To an airport
To the Eiffel Tower in Paris
To the Penobscot River in Maine
Under a Tulip tree in India
To the White House in D.C
To the New England Aquarium in Boston
To the Grand Canyon in Arizona
To the Ferris Wheel at the Toys-R-Us in Times Square
To the John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida
To Mount McKinley in Alaska
and to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado
Things to do if You're a Skateboard-by Nasir
Being a skateboard is so much fun
Tricks by the tons
kick flip
fake shove it
pop shove it
spine transfer
360 degree
720 degree
180 degree
rock fake
kick turns and
backward raock fakes
That's what you'd do if
you're a skateboard
Things to do if You're a Moon-by Christina
stay beautiful
keep your craters big
shine bright
be in space
be crescent
be round
be big
have wonder
be cool
guide things
pretend to be cheese
have a nice big face
A Big Bite
Jackie, Christina and Mrs. Williams
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
A Big Bite
Mrs. Williams
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Juicy Nibble

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
A Big Bite

We have had another incredible week in room 23. On Friday, in addition to team spirit day,Mr. Adams, an electrical engineer from Raytheon came to talk to all of the fourth graders about the engineering process in order for us to begin working on our first engineering project, Puffmobiles! He came around to each classroom and worked with the individual teams on their designs. These videos above show Mr. Adams working in our classroom. We are very excited to get started building our Puffmoblies next week. A goal of the project is to learn how to work in cooperative groups, in addition to the engineering goals. Ask your child about this fun fourth grade tradition. We have finished chapter one in math and have taken the first math test. In Reader's workshop, we have continued to work on reading stamina during independent reading time, and we are making good progress. As a class, we have read 92 books so far this year and are on track to read over 1,000 books by the end of the school year! Many of us are making good decisions when choosing just right books, and putting books on hold that are a bit of a challenge. In Writer's Workshop we have continued writing goals for the school year and have taken this piece of writing to publication. Also, we have begun writing rough drafts of list poems, which is a style of free verse poetry. Mrs. Williams read several list poems from Georgia Heard's book, Falling Down the Page. In science we have learned more about the scientific method and will do some experiments next week. Our goal is to build terrariums on Thursday, and we will be needing a jar and plant clippings for this experiment. The study of maps and globes in Social Studies continued with a focus on latitude and longitude. We will be learning how to find exact locations on a map or globe given specific degree coordinates. An Open Circle goal for us is to follow the guidelines that we set up as a class during the first week of school, particularly the goal that includes being a good listener and not talking when others are talking. This is proving to be challenging for us, but with more focus, I am sure that we can be successful with this goal. Thanks to Mrs. Macchi for helping me meet my goal of 20 followers, and to Mrs. Toye for putting me over the top! Until next week,
Mrs. Williams