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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Juicy Nibble

We used a website, KAHOOT! to review for our science test tomorrow.  If you would like to use the Kahoot to practice for the test, use this  link.  You  will need to make an account to play.  Mrs. Merten recommends that you use the same user name and password that you do for your Google Apps.  Leave a comment and let me know if you played the KAHOOT at home.
 Shown below are the directions for how to play a KAHOOT.  You can also click here for the directions.

How can I preview/play a kahoot alone?

This article explains how to play a kahoot in a “single player” mode.

Preview Mode: Overview
This mode is intended for uses like trialing the gameplay experience of a kahoot you’re building, or of a public kahoot you’re thinking of playing with others. Results will not save to your account.

Step 1: Find the kahoot
- If you want to play someone else’s kahoot, find it on the “Public Kahoots” page (or the “Featured” page if you’re 16 or under)
- If you want to play your own kahoot, find it on your “My Kahoots” page

Step 2: Find the preview button

- Click the title of the kahoot to access a detailed view of that kahoot

Step 3: Play the kahoot

- The host screen and player screen appear side-by-side so that you can manage both simultaneously.

Mrs. W

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mrs. Williams. I played Kahoot and got 58,803 points! I think I'm ready for the test.
