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Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Big Bite

We had a great week!  We finished our units on Heredity and Mexico.  We took the heredity test and will take the Mexico test next week.  We are busy in writer's workshop with the end of the narrative unit and will be moving into essay writing next.  In reader's workshop we have started a new interactive read aloud, Mr. Popper's Penguins by Florence and Richard Atwater.  We are focusing on answering open response questions and independently applying the skills we used while reading The One and Only Ivan. On Friday, we had a special presentation on Aztec art by Mrs. Tracey.  Click here to view a video of Mrs. Tracey .explaining Aztec Art.  After students created Aztec suns using a foam print and ink, they wrote poems in the style of Octavio Paz, a famous Mexican poet.  We love it when we can weave art across the curriculum and this was a great way to wrap up the unit on Mexico.  Thanks, Mrs. Tracey!


  1. Hi Mrs. Williams, It's me Chris! You are a really great teacher! Keep on rocking it!!

  2. I will miss you teaching me.
