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Friday, October 13, 2017

A Big Bite

It was a short week but a fun one!  We had the Puff Mobile race of Tuesday and it went well! All of the team work and cooperation paid off.  We will use these skills in Project based learning with Mrs. E as we work on building weather stations.  Ask your student for more information about this project.
We are finishing the multiplication unit and will have a test on Tuesday; the study guide was sent home this past week.  Speaking of study guides, the study guide for the map skills test on 10/24 was sent home this week as well.  We will continue to review these skills in school before the test.
We have made good progress with Mr. Poppper's Penguins and area LOVING the story.  Ask your student to tell you all about it.  We have been writing narratives in writer's workshop and writing list poems in poetry workshop.  Check out the Twitter Feed to see the list poem we wrote about Mr. Banks, it's really great!
As a class, we have set two school learning goals.  First, we are going to focus on perseverance. Working hard and not giving up at the first instance of difficulty can be challenging but we will get there!  Also, listening and following oral directions and reading and following written directions is a goal for us.  Our specialists have said that we all work well as a team but experience challenges when it comes to directions.  We will continue to work on this and I am certain that we will improve in the coming weeks. 
Tomorrow is the Ladybug 5k.  I hope to see you there. Have a great weekend!
Mrs. W
Here is a fun video about cardinal directions

Here is another one!

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