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Monday, June 21, 2010

Big "A"pple Book Buzz

O.K.-you asked for it, so here it is, book reviews for adults! Many parents have asked me to review the books that I am reading which are for adults, not children. First let me say that so many of the children's books that I read are wonderful for adults , the symbolism alone in children's literature can spark quite an interesting and intellectually stimulating conversation (think of Newberry Award Author Kate DiCamillo). In addition, much of the literature that is written for young adults is very edgy and thought provoking. With that being said, I understand that sometimes adults want to read books that are written for adults. My first review is of the new Stepehen King short story, Blockade Billy. I have been a King fan since high school, Christine was the first King novel I ever read, and I was hooked! Blockade Billy is a short story about a baseball player and his short tenure in MLB. I LOVED IT!!!! There is another short story at the end of the book which I didn't care for, but the first story was worth it. The next book on my list is The Lonely Polygamist by Brady Udall. In addition, I am going to try(again) to read The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo by Steig Larson. I attempted it a few summers ago, when it first came to the United States, and just couldn't get into it. However, there is so much hype around the sequels, and about the author, who died suddenly from a heart attack before he could realize the success of his novels, that I am willing to give it another try. If anyone has read it, I would love to hear your comments and thoughts about this novel.
One last note, when children see their parents read, they know that reading is valued and important, it is more than just a "homework" assignment. Show your children that reading is important to you by READING!
Read on, readers,
Mrs. W

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