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Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Big Bite

4th grade version

It has been an action packed two weeks in Room 23!  We have wrapped up a few units in math, science and social studies and are moving on to new topics!  Creative Arts Fridays continue to be a highlight in 4th grade.  We are almost done with the Power Point presentations in Technology and many of the list poems are finished or almost finished.  Halloween haikus have begun in Poetry Workshop.  We were able to do a "Poem Swap," with Mrs. Roberts' first grade class.  The poem "Things to do at a Teacher Sleepover," was born during a revision session in the first block of Poetry Workshop.  Both Mrs. W's and Mrs. Merten's class wrote a class poem and decided that they wanted to see what the first grade version of the poem would look like. So, Mrs. W asked Mrs. Roberts if her class would like to write a list poem about a teacher sleepover during writer's workshop and she agreed!  We shared all of the poems on Monday with each other and the idea of "Swap a Poem," was born.  We have agreed to swap poems a few times this year and we can't wait. :)  Click on the pictures and ZOOM in to see what the students thought would happen at a "Teacher Sleepover."  We know you will enjoy it.  Did you know that teachers wouldn't play tag because, "teachers can't run!"
We will be moving on to division in math now that we have finished our unit on multiplication.  In science we will be learning about heredity (vocabulary lists went home) and in social studies we have begun a unit on Mexico.  We should finish The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate this week in reader's workshop and we have been focusing on answering open response questions, similes and metaphors, character traits and cause/effect relationships.  We can't wait to get to the end to find out what will happen.
4th graders are busy people!
Mrs. W

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